Python Visualization

Notes about 3D python visualization packages.


As of Jan 2020 the mayavi repo has 2,961 commits from 50 contributs. The repo is at least 11 years old.

Mayavi relies on VTK and a gui toolkit, for python 3 you can use PySide2 or PyQt5.


As of Jan 2020 the vispy repo has 6,116 commits from 102 contributors. It is at least 2 years old.

Vispy relies on OpenGL. The file builds and embbeds js and css resources by leveraging npm.


As of Jan 2020 the glumpy repo had 791 commits from 35 contributors over its 4 years of existence. Note that according to the vispy readme glumpy should have been integrated in vispy.

Relies on pyopengl.

Use ctypes and cython to load:

  • ffmpeg
  • sdf
  • input hooks


Some of these are integrated with ipywidgets.

Install and debub courtesy of ipyvolume issue#102

Install steps from fresh venv creation, less may be needed

pip install jupyter
pip install jupyterlab
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter lab --no-browser

Debug from command line

jupyter labextension list

Debug in notebook

import ipywidgets

