Dependencies and steps through which Pytorch gets installed on your development machine.
As of Dec 2019, the instructions to install Pytorch are here instructions and one options is to run:
$ pip install torch torchvision
To learn more about pip see the pip note.
For python 3.7 Pytorch is provided through 2 files, one per operating system:
As opposed to TF there is no support wheel for windows. Also TF uses the newer manylinux2010 platform tag.
This is a summary of the files in the macos wheel.
Ext | Files | Largest file | Size [kB] |
.py | 881 | torch/ | 222.09 |
.dylib | 9 | torch/lib/libtorch.dylib | 191035.35 |
.so | 3 | caffe2/python/ | 2094.53 |
.pyi | 46 | torch/__init__.pyi | 113.13 |
.h | 1092 | torch/include/ATen/Functions.h | 960.79 |
.cuh | 6 | torch/include/ATen/cuda/CUDAApplyUtils.cuh | 49.27 |
.hpp | 5 | torch/include/TH/THTensor.hpp | 5.01 |
.cmake | 29 | torch/share/cmake/Caffe2/Modules_CUDA_fix/upstream/FindCUDA.cmake | 86.06 |
As opposed to TF, Pytorch only has one external dependency.
Also CUDA support is provided in the base install.